Sunday, November 15, 2015

     Rest In Peace 129 (known at this time) victims of the terrorist attacks and condolences to all who lost loved ones in these awful attacks. Viva La France!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Night A Goddess Fell


     October 25, 2015:  Twenty years ago today, at approximately 10:15 PM, one of the NecroErotic's strongest supporters was killed in a car accident.  I promised her family I would no longer use her name in these yearly public tributes and, as those of you who know me will attest, my word is my honor. 
     Some have called me 'obsessed' for "carrying on about her all these years."  While it's true that she will always have a place in my heart, I don't believe these brief yearly tributes should be called 'obsessions.'  I post these memorials for one simple reason:  She (or her memory, if you will) DESERVES them.  In life, many folks misunderstood and/or under appreciated this fine woman.  The very LEAST I can do, even if her name can no longer be publicly associated with The NecroErotic Mission, is post a notice to all that her spirit lives on in my heart.  If there is a 'hereafter', she is indeed enjoying the company of Ed Gein, Sergeant Francois Bertrand, Henri Blot, Viktor (Victor) Ardisson, Jeff Dahmer, Count Carl Tanzler von Cossel and Arthur Shawcross.
     Viva those who believe in Necrophilia!
     Viva Necrophilia!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Please, 'Jesus', HELP the moralists! HA! HA! HA!
Jared Fogle sought out teen sex, child porn

     NecroErotic Commetary:  Yours truly continues to laugh with sardonic wrath over the continuing debacle of 'moralist' characters being found to be...shall we say, not as wholesome as some first believed.  Consider the case of Jared Fogle as described in this article.  Special emphasis needs to be put on this single line from the article:  "Jared Fogle, 37, of Zionsville, Ind., commissioned the executive director of his charity to produce pornography using at least a dozen underage victims, one as young as 6, the charging documents say."
     Oh, how the child savers must be wringing their hands in agony at such words!  How many of these folks, who would just as soon see one such as myself beaten and hung by an angry mob of self righteous scumbags, sent donations in to this charity believing that they were helping to make the world a more wholesome and "child-friendly" place ?  I thought about those 'shocked' moralists earlier this afternoon while sitting in the break room at work.  I laughed openly at their stupidity and pig headed attitudes as I drove home in the late afternoon hours.  Best of all, thoughts of this hypocritical media frenzy were on my mind as I shared a bed in sleazy Detroit motel with a roadside hooker less than two hours ago.
     Moralist campaigners have said in the past that any sort of deviant act, even if done in private and between consenting adults, weakens society in some vague way or other.  I have a HOPE that there is at least some truth to what they are claiming.  Closer to the point, I would like to THINK that every necrophilic act I have committed with bones and/or ashes, every fetish I have indulged in without shame, every prostitute pick up I have had, every Black Mass I have celebrated, every dollar I have spent on a Marquis DeSade book or a 'skin' magazine, every gang bang I have attended, every 'dirty drawing' I have penned, every fantasy story I have written and even every time I have 'touched' myself in the darkness of my bedroom....  has somehow, some way, no matter how indirectly, hurt the cause of the moralists, 'child savers' and modern day 'crusaders.' 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Another Moralist Crusader Falls From Grace! HA! HA! HA!
Josh Duggar Admits to Cheating on Wife Anna and Viewing Pornography: ''I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever''

     NecroErotic Commentary:  Oh, how the mighty keep falling among the moralist crowd!  I would especially recommend this and related articles to any viewers of this site who want to call me "sick", "disgusting", and so forth.  As the Minister Of Necrophilia and the founder of The NecroErotic Mission, I am at the very least an HONEST deviant.  I've exhumed graves (many years ago in at least two nations overseas...and that's as far as I'm going with time/location details although the statute of limitations has likely long since run out) and enjoyed the company of human bones and ashes.  I've picked up dozens of prostitutes in my years and enjoyed fetishes galore including scat/urine, armpit licking, spanking, S&M, medical play and group action.  You don't hear me begging anyone for 'forgiveness!'  I've perused pornography and written explicit text stories since I was around age 11.  Have you ever known me to need 'Jesus' to lean on ??
     Yes indeed, the heroes of the moralists/Christian crusaders/"save the children!" freaks and frigid hand wringers are turning out to be every bit as 'dirty' as yours truly.  If you're on my side, we can share a good laugh over this whole debacle!  If you think I should be "banned" or outright "killed" (as some have suggested over the past 20+ years of the NecroErotic's existence) for being who I am, just know that I am laughing AT you as I read stories such as the one above.  Enemies have considered me something of a "joke" at times as well, yet as you can read for yourselves, the real 'joke' is summarized in this article. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Kentucky Man Tries to Dig Up Dead Dad So He Can 'Go to Heaven'

     Commentary:  Although the NecroErotic has no religious 'requirement' or assumptions one way or the other, the man in question should indeed have the right to his actions.  "Outrageous!", necrophobes may claim, yet mummies remain on exhibit in many museums in the world and skeletons are propped up in open sight in various medical schools across the globe.  Why should this man (or anyone else!) be subject to laws that do not apply to others in similar circumstances ?