Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just Because You’re “Paranoid…”

                                         Just Because You’re “Paranoid…”
      4-11-04: For many years now I've been warning of what was to come if the anti-child porn crowd kept gaining ground. We all

watched as federal and state laws dealing with underage erotica were expanded and penalties enhanced. Generally speaking, persons

in the adult entertainment industry cheered and took the side of the government in these endeavors. The ways they showed their

support included emblems on X rated websites against 'child exploitation' and printed denunciations against 'those low life scum who

steal the innocence of our children.' In all fairness, this reaction was somewhat understandable. No one wants to get on the bad side

of a multi-billion dollar prosecution effort prowling for blood.
At the same time, a tiny minority of folks (this author included) warned that this crusade would not end with the jailing of 'child

pornographers'. No, this effort was meant from the start to target ALL erotica, segment by segment, in a gradual 'salami slicing' style

elimination of free speech rights. Once the anti-child porn laws were firmly in place and accepted by the American public, laws

against 'extreme' adult porn would surely follow. In turn, once those laws had been entrenched in our legal system efforts would be

underway to eliminate 'hardcore' (i.e., material depicting any penetration) movies and magazines. From that point, even publishers

along the lines of Playboy would be in danger. This modern day witch hunt would eventually lead to the defacement of artistic

paintings and sculptures (as did, in fact, occur in former times when the church elders held nearly absolute power over the lives of the

citizenry) "Oh no", we were assured, "The government only wants to protect the little kids, and who can argue with that ?"
Allow me to share with you a couple of quotes from today's Detroit Free Press:
"As a high tech investigator for the Justice Department, (Lam) Nguyen's job is to surf for the worst of the worst. Until recently, that

mostly meant tracking down child pornography. But the Justice Department has begun aggressively policing adult pornography as

well, a turnaround from the Clinton administration, which brought almost no such cases." The article continues: "Jan LaRue, chief

legal council for Concerned Women for America, a Christian public policy organization, said she was encouraged that the department

was getting serious again about prosecuting the adult porn industry. But she said it had yet to go far enough. 'They need to prosecute

some of the more mainstream material- not just the deviant stuff (my emphasis) and they need to go after some bigger targets.' "

Please go back and read that last statement again, then give it a few moments to sink in.
Folks, how BLATANT do the powers that be have to get before you see what is going on before your very eyes ?? What 'deviants'

like myself have been telling you for years is now being OPENLY ADMITTED by the crusaders: They don't just want to lock up

"perverts who prey on innocent children." You adherents of the B&D, swinger, gay and escort service lifestyles who pontificate

about what you would do to such "sick perverts" if you had 5 minutes alone with them may well get your chance in the form of a

shared prison cell.
The NecroErotic position on all of this is clear cut and simple: No one is encouraged to break any laws regarding child porn (or any

other matter). Any solicitations to visit sites offering the same (no matter how much they promise to 'protect' you from the

authorities) should be met only with silence. So long as the current regime has the support of the American public (to say nothing of

the manpower, guns, technology and incarceration centers to enforce its dictates) flagrant flaunting of their laws is an invitation to

disaster. At the same time, we are NOT required to bolster the system's witch hunt by denouncing 'pedophiles' and 'perverts' at every

Rest assured, you will NEVER see a condemnation of ANY consensual sexual act or orientation on this website no matter how

controversial or hated it may be. Necrophiles should be the LAST people to rally against anyone else's 'perversions' unless there is a

tangible, physical reason why such behavior should be proscribed. (Hand wringing over alleged 'emotional scars', 'a breakdown in

traditional morality' or 'patently offensive behavior' just doesn't cut it when it comes to valid reasons for prohibiting anything)
The NecroErotic takes the bold and uncompromising position that ALL laws relating to voluntary sex acts, 'age of consent' statutes

and the publication, display and distribution of so called 'obscene materials' be ruled unconstitutional and wiped from the books. The

moralists themselves have drawn these lines, folks. I believe that this is an "all-or-none" issue. In the end, only one side will be

victorious: Either ALL 'deviants' will win the freedom to do and publish as they choose or the moralists will destroy ALL erotic

freedom of expression and thought. Moreover, the denunciations by 'respectable' adult erotica merchants against 'perverts' won't

mean a DAMN thing to the 'watchdog' groups, prosecutors, police and prison guards if/when the time comes. Think about that the

next time you feel like casting a stone toward another 'pervert.'

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