Sunday, November 27, 2011

Anatomy of a Sexual Psychosis, (or, why I do what I do)

Anatomy of a Sexual Psychosis,
(or, why I do what I do)

By MichiganGhoul, the Minister of Necrophilia

There are surely those who, when seeing a copy of 'The NecroErotic' for the first time, not only express their shock, dismay and disgust at the contents (being the 'straight' , unimaginative souls that most folks in society are) , but wonder why in the HELL someone would bother putting out a 'zine of this sort. One can just imagine some 'rational' carbon producing unit chattering away with their peers at the local college coffee house (over the latest $3.00 a cup cappuccino blend, no less...) after being given a copy of this publication by a friend of a friend. "OK, I understand that some people have desires that don't quite jibe with even the 'kinky' elements of society", the quasi-intellectual, trust fund liberal youngster whines, "But why would someone put their NAME on something like this and risk being put on a kind of 'watch list' that the feds keep on suspected perverts and general loose cannons. Why can't this guy just keep his urges to himself, exchange stories and death scene pictures with a few close friends, and let it go at that ? Why even BOTHER putting yourself in an unwelcome spotlight like this ?" Why indeed, dear reader ? Perhaps even some of you who are supportive to my mission have asked yourself this question in one form or another. What follows is my reply as best as I can put it into words.

Beyond any doubt, one of the primary reasons I publish 'The NecroErotic' is to 'flush out' someone within the funeral home business (or a related field, such as a hospital orderly or morgue attendant.) who can help me attain my goal of having full sexual intercourse with a cadaver. For reasons that should be obvious to even the dullest of minds, I'm not about to approach a worker at one of the wakes I personally attend to ask for such 'favors'. In any case, such a person would have no reason to trust me if I simply walked in off the street and asked a question of that nature. However, if a sympathetic soul in a position to help should happen to obtain and read a copy of this publication, they then would be much more assured of my sincerity and devotion to the subject.

Along with the above stated reason as to why this 'zine exists is the fact that I enjoy making friends with like minded persons/perverts. There is nothing complex or 'deep' about this motivation; everyone likes hearing from those who think and act as they do, and your humble editor/publisher is no exception to this rule.

Yet another aspect that motivates me is knowing that the truths spoken herein simply need to be stated. Putting false modesty aside, I'm currently the only person in the world who is willing and able to proclaim that which needs to be spoken, ideas which people all over the globe need to hear. Call it a 'messianic complex' if you wish, but where else are such 'radical' (yet painfully obvious) ideas discussed in such great detail as in the pages of 'The NecroErotic' ? Articles such as "How Legalized Necrophilia Can Solve Society's Problems" (see issue #1; this article has since been slightly revised and re-titled "Viva Necrophilia!") , "Ed Gein: A Man Ahead Of His Time" (issue #3), "A Guide To Tactful Funeral Home Visits" (issue #5), "Do You Consider This 'Normal' "( issue #6) , "A Necrophilic Solution To A Sexual Dilema In Society" ( issue #7) and biographies of famous/infamous necrophiliacs in history (see issues #1, 3 and 7) can be found nowhere else, and to pretend otherwise is ridiculous. A person who would flip through this or any other issue and see only 'porn', shock value or tasteless humor has missed the point entirely. Yes, such traits DO constitute part of what this publication is all about, but behind it all is a message, and that message is there for those who wish to give it a serious read.

Finally, if none of these reasons sound convincing to you, ponder this for a moment: Does the 'other side' (i.e., the various moralists who wish to do away with everything from pornography and prostitution right down to sex education in the schools and rock and roll) 'keep quiet' ? Do all of the various church leaders, government officials, media personalities, Internet watchdog groups and various 'children's advocates' ever shut up when it comes to their campaigns against whatever bugaboo is up their ass that particular week ? I think you know the answer to that question, so I'll say no more on this point.

Dear readers (friend and foe alike), as long as I sense a continued interest by people out there (however few) for this type of information, and in so far as I possibly can carry on with this mission, 'The NecroErotic' will continue to be a voice for those of us who are unashamed to admit to being sexually aroused by cadavers. If you're a friend, take that as a promise; if you are a foe reading this, feel free to consider it a threat.

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