Westgate/The Azrael Project: NecroPHONIES, NecroFRAUDS, and NecroPHOBICS of the WORST Kind!
Westgate/The Azrael Project:
NecroPHONIES, NecroFRAUDS, and NecroPHOBICS of the WORST Kind!
by MichiganGhoul, the Minister of Necrophilia
Readers of 'The NecroErotic' know that with precious few exceptions, I maintain a 'live and let live' attitude toward other people's religious views, kinks, preferences, and so forth. It's my policy to avoid like the plague any and all 'feuds' with other groups and individuals. However, when a group of persons pays 'lip service' to necrophilia in order to gain the patronage of necrophiles worldwide on one hand, then denounces true necrophilic indiv-
iduals and actions in order to maintain an air of 'respectability' on the other hand, I feel it is my duty to expose the truth about such a pack of imposters. Such is the situation with myself and Westgate/The Azrael Project.
In September of 1995, I received a package of fliers and newsletters from this group. I had never heard of them prior to this, and the dryness and sterile/
sexless nature of their material was an immediate turn off. Nonetheless, they seemed to endorse necrophilia, at least in the context of a spiritual ceremony,
so I sent them a brief letter offering to work with them as best as I could. I also enclosed copies of issues #1 and 2 of 'The NecroErotic.' What I received back from them was a letter that could only be described as swinish, pretentious and conceited. All of the elements of 'asshole-ism' were present:
Half truths, name dropping, a general 'holier than thou' attitude, a distinct lack of any sense of humor whatsoever, and even a foreign phrase to top off the pile of dung. Shocked by this immature and senseless 'paper outburst', I fired off a second letter which, while avoiding any cursing or childish 'you suck' type of rhetoric, quite effectively put them in their place. They never responded to my second letter, apparently feeling that their position of influence and prestige among necrophiles was secure, and that ignoring me and 'The NecroErotic' was the best course of action. They were and are seriously mistaken on both counts.
Leilah Wendell is the leader and founder of this organization. Lorraine Chandler, Daniel Kemp and 'Windy Wendell' (an obvious pseudonym) comprise the staff (at least at the time of this writing/Summer 1998) at her New Orleans based art gallery/headquarters. In an interview done with Chad Hensley entitled "The Necromantic World Of Leilah Wendell", the following quotes of 'wisdom' are offered by Ms. Wendell. Before reading these statements, it should be added that the Westgate staff themselves sent me a copy of this interview, so there is no room for questioning their authenticity. Read for yourself and then judge if these are the words of a true necrophiliac: "I don't believe in sex with the dead... I do not believe you should just go out, dig up a stiff, and have your way with it. I'm very, very much against that... that's a violation... Taken from a ritualistic point of view, the dead body is a sacred alter." ( This is an especially surprising and curious opinion for a 'necrophile' to hold, since virtually every recognized necrophiliac in history, including Sergeant Francois Bertrand, Victor Ardisson, Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer, to name but a few, not only had mere 'intercourse' with the corpses of their choice, but severe mutilation/disembowelment of the cadaver followed the sex act in question. Even in cases where physical 'desecration' played no part ,as with necrophiles like Henri Blot, Karen Greenlee and Count Karl Tanzler Von Cosel, sex was a major, if not THE predominant motivating factor for their actions. Necrophilia itself is, after all, a purely physical act that involves no inherrent 'spiritualism' of any kind. ) Later in the interview, this next 'gem' is offered for the reader's consideration: "At the time I still had doubts in my head- 'Am I going crazy ?' But I think when you see stiffs moving about, making gestures and all kinds of little weird things you kind of get convinced. There were coffins jumping up and down. We had partial reanimation of a body." Compare this last quote to a line from the infamous low budget horror flick, 'Night of the Living Dead': "In the cold room at the university, we had a cadaver. A cadaver from which all 4 limbs had been amputated. Some time early this morning, it opened it's eyes and began to move it's trunk. It was dead, but it opened it's eyes and tried to move." Although there is no 'smoking gun' proof, it would appear as though this 'intellectual' woman gleans her philosophical/spiritual beliefs from the contents of old horror films! It may seem to some readers that I'm 'pushing it' on this point, but consider: Have YOU ever seen 'reanimation of a corpse' at any time other than during the course of a horror movie ? What would YOU think of your parent's, spouse's or best friend's state of mental health if they were to confide in you that they had indeed seen such an occurrance in real life ? Still later on during the interview: "I believe that there was a winged race that once walked the earth." (Yeah, they're still here: We call them penguins...) In yet another piece of her writing (once again, this was sent by her organization, so there can be no doubt that these are indeed her own words), L.W. compares lustful intercourse with a cadaver to "raping an innocent child." If these quotes do not confirm in the reader's mind that the Westgate/
Azrael Project bunch are necrophobes/necrophonies in disguise, consider this final tidbit of information. In her written rant against myself and 'The NecroErotic', Lorraine Chandler haughtily suggests that I "check into the largest collection of TRUE necrophilia accounts under the heading of 'The Kraft-Ebbing Report." Unbeknownst to this arrogant woman, I already had a copy of this very report. To quote the author's opinion of necrophilia and necrophiles: "This horrible kind of sexual indulgence is so monstrous that the presumption of a psychopathic state is, under all circumstances, justified; and Maschka's recommendation, that the mental condition of the perpetrator should always be investigated, is well founded." Before dismissing my words against Leilah Wendell and her followers as 'petty rivalry', consider: Do these people sound like necrophiliacs to you ? If you are pro-necrophile on any level, do you REALLY want these people to speak for you in any way, shape or form ? I believe you know the answer to this question , so further commentary would be superfluous. Leilah Wendell's words (as well as those of her associates) already condemn her as being an enemy to the cause of legalizing necrophilia.
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