Necrophilia FAQ
Necrophilia FAQ
1. What is necrophilia ?
Sexual activity with and/or an erotic attraction to corpses.
2. Why would anyone do such a thing or harbor these desires ?
Reasons vary. Some persons, because they cannot attract a living mate or don't wish to bother with the complexities involved in a mutual relationship, instead opt to have a completely passive sex toy in the form of a corpse. There are also ceremonies among followers of the Left Hand Path (Satanists as well as followers of extreme forms of Tantric Hinduism) that involve necrophilic acts . Some of us simply enjoy the physical touch of dead flesh (I've snuck a few feels during my many visits to funeral homes and it does have a texture all its own) and the experience of being close to the dead.
3. Have you ever had actual sex with a cadaver ?
Not yet, unfortunately.
4. Never having done the deed, how can you claim to be a necrophile ? Doesn't this make you a 'poser' of sorts ?
Not at all. Necrophilia is my desire. A man who wants a man is a homosexual whether he acts on those desires or not, and an adult who lusts for children but has not had the opportunity to actively express his urges is still a pedophile. Similarly, I am a necrophile by orientation. Keep in mind that one does not simply 'find' corpses on the street, in bars, in stores, etc. Cadavers buried any time recently are likely to be encased in steel vaults which are impossible for one person to open without heavy machinery. Even if I could get a job at the morgue in my area, it would not do me any good, as it is a state of the art facility with cameras everywhere. Becoming a mortician is a lengthy (to say nothing of expensive, tuition wise) process. Lastly, I'm certainly NOT going to risk a life time of incarceration for getting a necro sex toy via murder. No orgasm in the world is worth that! Rest assured, though, I am looking into ways to fulfill my passion. My time will come!
5. Isn't having sex with a corpse dangerous health wise ?
While corpses in a state of decomposition are loaded with dangerous bacteria, I have yet to hear of anyone getting infected as a result of a necrophilic act with a cadaver regardless of the physical state of the body.
6. Is necrophilia illegal ?
It depends on the country, state, province, county or area in which a person lives. Most states in the U.S. have laws against grave robbery, corpse theft and unauthorized corpse mutilation, but necrophilia per se is not explicitly illegal in all states. (Michigan is one state that does not have a law that deals directly with the act of having sex with a corpse)
7. Are there many necrophiles in businesses such as funeral homes, graveyards and morgues ?
While there is no sure way to guage how many persons with occupational access to the dead are necrophiles, we do know that necrophiles have infiltrated the death business to an appreciable extent. The article, "Sexual Attraction To Corpses: A Psychiatric Review of Necrophilia" (Bulletin Of The American Academy of Psychiatry And The Law, Vol. 17, #2, pages 153-163, copyright 1989 Jonathan P. Rosman and Phillip J. Resnick) analyzed the case studies of 122 persons who had admitted to necrophilia and/or were convicted of various offenses relating to their sexual orientation. A full 57.1% of the overall total had jobs that involved the handling of corpses.
8. Is necrophilia primarily a male orientation ?
Yes. The overwhelming majority of necrophiles are heterosexual men, although female necrophiles (i.e., Karen Greenlee) and gay male necrophiles (i.e., Jeff Dahmer) are not unheard of.
9. Are necrophiles insane ?
This all depends on who you consult. The late Ed Gein was pronounced insane by both court appointed psychiatrists and the jury at his original trial. The authors of the "Psychopathia Sexualis" report of 1886 felt that necrophilia was "monstrous" and contemporary sex 'expert' Dr. Judy Kuriansky calls it "sick." While these sources and the policies of most major psychoanalytic organizations would classify necrophilia as an indication of an underlying mental illness (or a psychiatric disorder in and of itself), using necrophilic activity as the basis of an insanity defense did not succeed in court for the late Jeffrey Dahmer. Also, the above cited study by Rosman and Resnick found that a full 83% of the total sample of subjects were not psychotic. As for myself, if being a necrophile means that I am 'insane', then insanity is a condition I can live with. Contrary to the advice I've gotten (often expressed in the form of insulting and derogatory cheap shots) from many folks over the years, I have no desire to 'seek help', 'change my ways', 'kill myself' or any other such nonsense. I am a perfectly happy and adjusted, self aware necrophiliac.
10. Q. You claim that you don't endorse murder as a means to obtain a corpse yet some of the people you praise on your site are convicted serial killers! What gives ??
A. This is actually one of the most understandable criticisms leveled against this site and the NecroErotic mission in general. As such, it deserves a concise explaination. It is true that some of the persons praised in these pages have taken innocent human lives absent any motive other than sheer sexual cruelty. I make no excuses for such behavior nor do I in any way feel that such actions are justified. The parties given accolades by yours truly are not held in high esteem because of their killings but rather because of their necrophilic activity afterwards. Those who would claim this is being hypocritical or a 'cop out' on my part need only look at our nation's founder and how his name applies to landmarks and institutions of today to see a comparison. We have Washington state, Washington D.C. and George Washington University to name but a few of the entities titled in memory of our nation's first president. In addition to being a courageous general, an advocate of the republican form of government and a forceful public speaker, President Washington was also a slave holder. Are we then to conclude that the persons who take his name for their institutions endorse the purchase and importation of pressed African labor ? Washington is memorialized for possessing the above mentioned abilities and not because he participated in a system of human bondage that deprived his fellow colonists of earning an honest day's labor. Given the ways that organized and legalized necrophilia can make the world a better place for all of us, rejecting any of our founders for the taking of a few (or even a few dozen) human lives vs. the acquisition of safety, comfort and peace of mind for untold millions that their activity will one day help to bring about simply doesn't balance out. Condemn the murders and mourn the victims but don't throw the baby out with the bath water! Obtaining a cadaver is not the easiest task in the world, hence individuals inclined to postmortem lust have occasionally resorted to murder to fulfill their erotic needs. While this in and of itself does not excuse the act of homicide it does suggest that if cadavers were made more easily available through non-violent means (see the 'Viva Necrophilia!' essay for further information in this regard) murder for the sake of obtaining a cadaver could be greatly reduced.
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