Sunday, November 27, 2011

Necrophilic Principles

Necrophilic Principles

1. Wherever they may reside, necrophiliacs have as much right to engage in their orgasmic release of choice as do "normal" couples. When necessary, this extends to corpse theft from morgues, mortuaries, hospitals and graveyards. With such actions being classified as a felony in many areas, however, this statement is not meant to encourage the reader to take careless risks. This is a theoretical principle, not an explicitly practical one. Also, the use of open murder to produce corpses is not advocated for obvious reasons.

2. All 'rights' cease the moment a person draws their last breath. Therefore, any and all deeds performed on a cadaver, including erotic acts, dismemberment/disembowelment and cannibalism are to be considered, at worst, destruction of physical matter.

3. The meaning of our logo is as follows: The inverted heart symbolizes an overturning of traditional concepts of eroticism. The inner symbol is a combination of both the life and death runes. This stands for a joining between the living and the dead, specifically a physical pairing. As for the colors in our symbol, the black symbolizes the darkness (both real and perceived) of our desires. The green represents the lush and inviting lawn of a graveyard.

4. Hail our predecessors: Sergeant Francois Bertrand, Edward Theodore Gein, Henri Blot, Victor Ardisson, Count Karl Tanzler Von Cosel, Karen Greenlee and Jeffrey Dahmer! Although none of them consciously contributed to this manifesto, their actions helped to inspire it. Therefore they are, in effect , our founders and we their heirs.

5. The widespread practice and acceptance of necrophilia, although at best a slim possibility for the distant future, would aid society in several very important ways. (See related document 'Viva Necrophilia!' for specifics on this point.)

6. Necrophobia (which for our purposes may be defined as irrational hate and persecution directed at necrophiliacs) must be spoken out against at every turn. Whether uttered or printed by law enforcement, ignorant lay people, anti-eroticism special interest groups or 'necrophonies' (hypocrites who pretend to be necrophiliacs or necrophile-friendly while stabbing us in the back) , THEIR lies and false platitudes must be countered by OUR facts and logic!

7. Attendance at funeral home wakes during visiting hours is strongly encouraged as a legal and relatively 'anonymous' outlet for necrophiliacs. (See 'A Guide To Tactful Funeral Home Visits' in issue #5 of 'The NecroErotic' for hints and tips.)

8. Necrophilia being a purely physical act of erotic release, a necrophile need not participate in or abstain from any set of religious/spiritual/supernatural beliefs. However, a special hand of friendship is extended to many of those who define themselves as Satanists or Devil Worshipers.

9. Since necrophiliacs are generally a loathed and misunderstood group, we have no desire to condemn or oppress any other fetish or the participants therein on 'moral' grounds without scientific proof of the alleged flaws of said practice. Erotic interests and actions we should refrain from condemning (even if one does not wish to personally participate in them) include: Group sex, scatology/watersports, amputee fetishes, cross dressing, consensual pedophilia, bestiality (so long as the animal is not forced or harmed), 'snuff' fantasy writings, role playing, sado-masochism, sex with dwarves, solo sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism and bondage.

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