A Necrophilic Solution to a Sexual Dilemma in Society
A Necrophilic Solution to a
Sexual Dilemma in Society
By MichiganGhoul, the Minister of Necrophilia
It's an open secret that the 'child protection' (otherwise known as 'child repression') forces are out of control these days. The hysteria concerning child-adult sex encounters that has been whipped up by control freaks in society has resulted in modern day witch hunts against persons of both sexes and all walks of life. In many of the alleged 'child abuse' cases, the relationship in question turns out to have been entirely consensual on the part of both partners. In scores of other cases, minors have been coerced into giving false or exaggerated testimony during the course of a 'sexual abuse' trial. On certain occassions, youngsters have deliberately invented 'child abuse' charges as a means of exacting revenge against an adult they felt had somehow wronged them. In 1994, for instance, a Chicago area school teacher was the victim of an admitted eleven student 'sexual abuse' conspiracy against him, all masterminded by one adolescent girl who had a dispute with this teacher over a grade she had received. If these self-appointed guardians agasint 'abuse' wish to find a REAL victim of exploitation, they need look no further than this poor man. According to a flyer put out by V.O.C.A.L. (Victims Of Child Abuse Laws, a fine organization that lobbies for families unjustly accused by the courts of non-existent 'sex crimes' against children), a full 60% of all 'child abuse' claims processed in New York state alone are found to be false. Let that sink in for a moment, readers: SIXTY PERCENT!!!
In the April 1995 issue of 'Wanted By The Law' magazine, a 1988 study is quoted which claims that the overall recidivism rate for those labeled by the criminal justice system as 'child sex abusers' is 32%. It is safe to conclude that these figures include mutually consenting sex between minors and adults as well as actual rape cases. Let's look at some of the so-called 'solutions' that have been proposed to deal with the issue of adult-minor sex.
In Vermont, a simulated anal rape was performed on convicted 'sex offenders' unlucky enough to reside in that East Coast state as part of their 'therapy'. Again, given the attitutes of legislators today on the idea of adult-minor sex, 'abuse' can be defined as virtually any type of physical contact between someone of the age of 'majority' and a 'minor.'
The National Center For Missing And Exploited Children, one of the leading groups currently fueling the modern day Salem witch fires, receives 3 million dollars every year of our hard-earned tax money. This may seem petty in today's national economy until one finds out that the top executives of this pseudo-altruistic organization receive salaries well in excess of $100,000 per year for themselves.
Washington state had attempted to confine 'sex offenders' in mental institutions after they had served their sentence in prison or jail. These confinement periods are considered unlimited, meaning a person could spend the rest of their life locked up solely based on their sexual orientation. The Supreme Court (who, for the most part, seem to feel that their mission is to eradicate the last protections standing between U.S. citizens and unlimited police and governmental control) have found this measure to be legal and enforceable. So much for 'democracy'....
At the time of this writing, certain states no longer require minors to appear at the trials of their alleged 'abusers', allowing instead for adults to testify on the minor's behalf. This blatant violation of a person's right to face their accuser is currently being put to the test by the few honest folks left in the cesspool of the U.S. legal system.
Since the early 1980's, postal inspectors (armed thugs with badges) have placed ads in porno magazines subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) offering underage erotica for sale. The March 14, 1988 issue of Newsweek offers sickening praise to a federal 'kiddie porn sting' in which persons whose names appeared on 'watch lists' as past buyers of child based erotica were sent forms advertising such materials for sale. When an estimated 200 (out of a pool of around 2,000 names) persons responded, they were arrested and charged with the 'crime' of knowingly receiving 'forbidden' pornography. Incidentally, two men committed suicide as a result of this legalized government harassment. Where is the outrage from the libertarians in society when such blatant KGB-style tactics are used ?? As a testimony to their hypocrisy, the same U.S. government that prohibits it's citizens from producing, distributing, trading and, in some states, even privately possessing under age erotica owns (through its various agencies) what is most likely the largest stash of 'kiddie porn' in the world. This is the same material that is freely reprinted and mailed out around the country during various 'sting' operations against tax paying U.S. citizens. Now, we all know that this vast assortment of erotica is ONLY used for legal purposes; these virtuous agents of the law would NEVER look at such tempting material with a lustful intent THEMSELVES.....right ?? (Actually, it's more like, 'Yeah, right!')
With the advent of personal computers and the Internet, the feds (and many state and even local police agencies as well) have expanded their appalling 'sting' operations to various aspects of computer life. Entrapment techniques have been used here too, ranging from federal agents posing as minors searching for sex, to bogus ads offering child porn to those naive enough to take the bait. It hardly needs to be stated that, with scarce few exceptions, the courts give their blessings to these obviously underhanded legal maneuvers, as do many of the sheep 'citizens' in this country.
These are just some of the ideas that law enforcement and society at large has tried out in order to stem the (what they feel to be) 'horrible child sex/kiddie porn industry in the U.S.' Obviously, they don't seem to be working out all that well: According to CNN findings released in 1996, 'child abuse' (again, its safe to assume we're looking at real cases of rape here along with cases where no force was involved but the law arbitrarily decides that one party is 'too young' to give 'informed consent') has increased a whopping 300% since the late 1970's. Although CNN did not mention it, the late 1970's was when the government began to crack down on the sale of erotic images that featured 'minors.' Very interesting..... In the long run, all the various 'stings', therapy programs, prison sentences, government and moralist groups and new laws seem to accomplish is one goal: Extending the careers (and filling the pockets) of the professional 'abuse' mongers both within and independent from law enforcement, more than often at the expense of the U.S. tax payer. Worse still, countless innocent lives of adults and children have been ruined along the way by this so-called 'save the children' lunacy.
It's not uncommon these days for many folks to pronounce an automatic death sentence on anyone who is so much as accused of 'molesting' a 'child.'
The fact that the 'child' in question may be a precocious and horny teenage girl who initiated the sex act with the 'molester' in question makes no difference to these self righteous pigs. Neither does the idea that the poor fellow just may be innocent of all charges ever enter their tiny heads. Least of all, it never occurs to these folks that it should be none of their damn business if a minor and an adult engage in a mutually consensual sex act. No, you can't tell these types anything; if a grown adult so much as propositions a 'child' (or accepts an offer along those lines), they should be strung up from the nearest tree after being publicly castrated. The dumb bastards, in all of their emotional mania, can't see the harm this approach is capable of causing. To be sure, by killing the 'molester' in question, a mob could 'solve' (in a manner of speaking) any problems caused by that particular person. However, what happens the next time a fellow has sexual relations with a minor in that area ? Don't these lynch mob advocates realize what will go through the adult's head after the act has taken place ? (i.e., "Oh shit! What did I do ?! The last guy who had sex with this gal got beaten into a coma after word got out! I can't get found out, and there's only one way to keep all of this a secret....") Obviously, you can see where this will lead. In fact, some men charged with murder have later confessed that they felt pressured to kill their under age sex partner out of fear of being charged with a sex crime. This isn't said to condone a 'cover up' murder at the hands of a rapist, but by screaming for ever harsher laws and penalties against 'sex offenders' of all stripes without seeking a realistic solution, the "hang 'em high!" advocates are only forcing those fearful of impending punishment into more drastic reactions. (Anyone who doubts that 'criminals' will resort to extreme measures to avoid unduly punitive actions need only watch some of the countless video tapes of real life police chases.)
Abolishing the age of consent and dismantling all anti-'child porn' agencies and laws would go a long way toward discouraging violence toward minors. As stated in the previous paragraph, much of the harm that happens in connection with sexual relationships is caused by the fear the adult in question has of being caught. Removing the laws that inspire such fears would do away with the anxiety and save lives. I have all the respect in the world for those groups that lobby against gender-oppressive laws (an excellent organization in this regard is N.A.M.B.L.A., the North American Man-Boy Love Association).
However, despite some positive indications toward a slight change in attitude on society's part regarding intergenerational sex and love, the puritanical attitudes of the social moralists still prevail (at least in part) and by all indications, the rest of us will be forced to put up with it all for some time to come. Then too, there is the problem of real child molesters/abductors: Those persons who genuinely DO coerce children and young teens into violent sex that often involves torture and death. Although its highly unlikely that anywhere near as many of these types of folks exist as the 'watchdog' groups expect us to believe, they are out there, and all of the censorship 'stings', electric chairs, therapy programs and maximum security prisons the morality crowd can dream up will not stop them. Their rage against children cannot be curtailed or 'cured' (in most cases), but it can be released in a way that would harm no one and, in the end, would financially benefit society. That proposed release is the necrophilic solution mentioned in the title of this article.
We've already seen the fallacies that are proposed as 'cures' for the so called 'problem' of pedophilia and pedophiles in our country. Now, let's look at a realistic (and admittedly extreme) resolution that would benefit everyone and harm no one.
In 1994 in the United States, there were 29,412 reported rapes. In the same year, 80,332 various 'sex offenses' were reported. That brings the total to 109,744. (Source: 1994 World Almanac) Obviously, not all of these offenses and alleged 'offenses' were perpetrated against minors, but if even a full one third of them were (and this is a generous estimate), that would amount to 36,581 rapes and various sexual incidents involving under age persons. Now for our second set of statistics:
(Note: Although the following figures were compiled from data printed in the 1993 Universal Almanac, the death ratios in the U.S. did not change significantly over the 1993-1994 periods.) The total number of deaths in the U.S. in 1993 for persons between the age of birth to 24 years old is estimated at 84,250. Even excluding those under 1 year of age (as not many folks have an attraction to beings quite that young), we are left with a total of 50,950 bodies per year. (Assuming figures don't change all that much from year to year) 35,190 individuals fall into the age 15-24 mortality category. If we presume that even half of those are young adults, that would still leave us with 17,595 corpses of those under age 18 per year. According to 1993 statistics, 8,500 teens are killed each year in drunk driving accidents alone.
The rough estimate grand total for deaths from ages 1-18 would then be around 33,355 per year. What if we were to put those corpses to use ?
With 33,355 teens and pre-teens being turned into corpses each year, the feasibility for necrophilic brothels designed to cater to infantophiles, pedophiles and ephebophiles certainly exists. If such businesses were to become a reality, the cadavers could be divided throughout the country, with higher population areas receiving the majority of the bodies. Persons of all three youth-based orientations, both the types who only have or desire to have consensual sex with minors and coercive 'molesters' , who ordinarily would have or attempt to gain sex via violence could visit these locations and have sexual intercourse with the dead shells of young people. Even the most rabid social worker or religious fanatic would be forced to conclude that it is impossible to harm a corpse. Therefore, all of the discussion we have heard about real and imagined harm done to youngsters by sex with adults would be rendered moot. A fee could be charged every time a 'john' rented one of these bodies. Based on the number of people who would be willing to pay for this service, a price could eventually be established that would cover corpse preservation and cremation costs, plus allow the agencies handling the procedure to make a small profit in the long run. While we're on the subject of cost, most of you probably have heard that it costs more to keep a person in prison for one year than it would cost to put that same person through college. Even if these insane 'age of consent' laws were to remain in place, imagine the money spent on prison costs that could be saved if brothels such as this were set up to allow people the chance to legally express their lust without harming anyone.
No witch hunt can last forever. Eventually, both necrophobia and pedophobia will diminish from society's collective mind once the old myths about so called 'sexual perversion' lose their steam. Once that happens, our children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy unhindered sexual expression. As David Bowie sings in his song, 'Changes', "Turn and face the strange".....
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