Necrophilia has no doubt been around since the days of prehistoric tribes; consequently, any attempt at listing ALL necrophiles throughout history would be as futile as trying to name all physicians, all lawyers, etc. The following names represent the most influential persons to have been involved in the practice of necrophilia in the past two centuries. Although none of them have ever played any kind of direct role concerning the publication, distribution or concept of 'The NecroErotic' (in fact, with the exception of Karen Greenlee, all are deceased as of 1998), their actions are at least in part responsible for the writings which flow from this computer. In essence, then, they are the (unwitting) founders of my necrophilia 'outreach' program.
Sergeant Francois Bertrand
Sergeant Bertrand was born in either 1822 or 1824 (written history is unclear on this point) in the country of France. Details on his early life are very sketchy, as far as English language literature is concerned. According to the encyclopedia 'Crime and Society' (under the 'Vampires' heading), he was a sadistic man when it came to animals, and had developed a habit of dissecting dead cats and dogs in his young days. However, the "Man, Myth and Magic" encyclopedia states emphatically that he 'loved animals.' As a platonic lover of animals myself, I'd like to think that the latter represents the truth in this regard. In any case, both sources agree that the Sergeant was quite the 'ladies man', and was in the habit of minding his manners around living members of the fairer sex. Unfortunately, sketches/paintings of Bertrand are next to impossible to obtain in the 20th Century United States (if indeed they exist at all), but "Crime and Society" describes him as being " attractive man."
Early in his adolescence, Bertrand began having violent rape and torture fantasies involving young females. Around 1849, the Sergeant began practicing necrophilia on recently buried corpses in Pere Lachaise (a cemetery generally reserved for the rich), then at a working class cemetery near Paris, rounding out his career by exhuming/fornicating with/disemboweling corpses at the Montparnasse necropolis. Starting out by merely having sex with recently interred cadavers, Bertrand's actions became increasingly brutal as time passed. Although he flatly denied engaging in cannibalism per se (the charge was also dropped at his military trial during the Summer of 1849.), history records that some of the corpses had been gnawed upon. Sergeant Bertrand's digging style is a story in and of itself.
He is said to have used no tools whatsoever; all digging was done with his bare hands, which, of course, were torn and bloody by the time he reached his desired goal. Many of his conquests were buried without coffins, which made his task a bit easier. Bertrand claimed to feel no pain during the course of his night time work, and once went to the extreme of swimming across a lake in the dead of Winter to reach the cemetery grounds. One of his necro-dates was a 7 year old girl, so indeed, he was a man who had no taboos when it came to enjoying the 'young stuff.'
When Sergeant Bertrand was eventually captured (as a result of being wounded by a police bullet in Montparnasse Cemetery) during a stay at a military hospital, he offered no denials but is rather said to have boasted of his deeds to the police investigators. As no one was physically harmed by his actions, Bertrand was sentenced to one year in jail. It was said that the Sergeant claimed to be "frightened of death now" after being convicted, but if he did indeed make this statement, it was no doubt merely to avoid the possible risk of a longer prison term. After his release, Bertrand vanished into the pages of history, leaving his pioneering legacy behind for those who dare to dream, for those who dare to follow... Hail Sergeant Francois Bertrand for being the first to essentially 'introduce' the world to this beautifully morbid form of sexual ecstasy!
Ed Gein
It has been said that a genius is never appreciated in his own age. Christopher Columbus was presumed mad by many of the 'intellectuals' of his day who clung to the belief that the earth was flat. The Italian astronomer, Galilei Galileo (1564-1642) was condemned by Pope Paul V for proposing the then 'heretical' idea that the earth revolved around the sun. Similarly, Ed Gein's experiments and companionship with the dead caused him much grief in comparitively recent times. However, I have no doubt that much like the inventors and innovators of the past, Gein will one day be remembered in a much more benevolent light.
Edward Theodore Gein was born into a matriarchal/dysfunctional family on August 27, 1906. Ed's brother Henry died under suspicious circumstances during a marsh lands fire on May 16, 1944, their father having died in April of 1940. Gein's last surviving relative, his domineering mother, died on December 29, 1945. It was alleged by some that Ed's only pre-1957 journey outside of his county was for an army eligibility inspection. Ironically, Ed Gein's car later toured much of the country as part of a side show exhibit. For the most part, the first 40 or so years of Gein's life were unremarkable, hence the quick glossing over on these pages. What happened during his final years of freedom in the tiny town of Plainfield, Wisconsin (population 700 at the time) however, is a topic of interest to all necrophiles.
In November of 1957, Gein was arrested on suspicion of robbery charges relating to a theft at Worden's Hardware store in Plainfield. Upon searching his shed, police found the gutted body of the store's proprietor, 58 year old Bernice Worden, hanging upside down. Her pussy and anus had been carved out, according to the coroner's report. The corpse had also been decapitated, and the entire body was scrubbed clean. This style of treatment was consistent with the manner in which deer were often strung up after a successful hunt. When investigators searched Gein's home, they discovered, among other delightful objects, human skulls atop Gein's bed posts, scalps, breasts, skinned human face masks, a human heart in a sauce pan, a belt made with human nipples, eviscerated pussies painted silver and gold, leg bones, a box containing four human noses, and a wastebasket, a knife sheath, some lamp shades, bracelets and a tom-tom drum, all made from dead human skin. In addition to this, four chairs were found upholstered with human flesh, and a skeleton was exhumed on Gein's property by sheriff's deputies several days later. Amusingly, Gein was known for giving 'venison' to several of his neighbors in the years proceeding his arrest. It wasn't until after being taken into custody that he admitted that he never shot a deer in his life. One can only guess where the meat was obtained.......
Ed Gein was only convicted of one murder, that of Bernice Worden, although he later confessed to killing fellow Plainfield resident Mary Hogan. Most of the flesh and bones that were used came from the grave pilfering Gein performed during the night at three local cemeteries. Although local lawmen at first doubted Ed Gein's grave robbery claims, the subsequent exhumations of two of those graves proved his statements to be true. In the first instance, the entire corpse had been removed. In the second grave, only bone fragments remained. Perhaps most erotically of all, Gein told police personnel that he had worn some of the skin outfits while digging up still other graves during his self-styled necro-career. By his own estimate, Ed Gein had unearthed at least nine graves in his lifetime. On March 20, 1958, Ed's farmhouse was burned to the ground by arsonists who remain unidentified to this day. When told of the incident, Ed's only words were said to have been, "Just as well." In During that same year, Ed Gein was found insane and therefore 'incompetent' to stand trial.
Although clearly a necrophiliac in orientation, the question of whether or not Gein had actual sex with the cadavers remains something of a mystery. According to some reports, he claimed to have not had sex with any of the bodies because, in his (alleged) words: "They smelled bad." Other sources state that he admitted to having intercourse with the corpses. We will, of course, never know for sure whether he 'did it' or not. For my part, however, I find it difficult to believe that he abstained from sex with the cadavers because of the smell when that same odor did not dissuade him from wearing their skins on his face and body.
On November 14, 1968, Gein was paradoxically found both guilty of the murder of Bernice Worden and insane, therefore NOT technically responsible for the killing. He was never again a free man, confined for the rest of his life to various institutions for the criminally insane. Ed Gein died from complications on July 26, 1984 while living in a Madison, Wisconsin asylum.
It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that the reason for my praise of Ed Gein is NOT because he was a killer or because I have some 'twisted desire to worship evil' or any such nonsense. Ed was a genius among men and one of the greatest human beings to walk the earth because he (consciously or instinctively) taught the world the benefits of necrophilia. For more information on this subject please refer to the articles 'Viva Necrophilia!' and 'A Necrophilic Solution To A Sexual Dilemma In Society' elsewhere on this site.
If and when sexual unions between the living and the dead are fully legalized, the world will have great men like Ed Gein to thank for taking humanity collectively by the hand and guiding us to necroerotic bliss. Hail Ed Gein!
Count Karl Tanzler Von Cosel
Karl Von Cosel, a German veteran of WWI, moved to the U.S. during or around 1930, at which time he was already past sixty years of age. Within a year, of arriving on these shores, Von Cosel met Elena Hoyos Mesa, a young (White) Cuban woman who became a patient at the hospital where he worked. On October 25, 1931, Elena passed away from tuberculosis, leaving Von Cosel devastated. (astute readers will notice that her death preceeded the passing of my beloved Stephanie by exactly 64 years.) After two year's time, the ambitious Count recovered Elena's corpse (from a mausoleum he himself had built for her) and brought it back to his "shack on the beach." (as an article on his life published in the Journal of the Florida Medical Association, Vol. 63, August, 1976 describes his humble abode) In October of 1940, following a cruel and needless police raid on Von Cosel's residence, Elena's reconstructed corpse was found. Her "....face, breasts, arms, legs, trunk and vaginal tube" had been rebuilt, according to the Journal article. The Count was sent to jail, but was released soon thereafter, thanks to the Florida statute of limitations on the 'crime' of grave robbery. Elena's remains were buried secretly in a metal cube and Von Cosel never again got to see his necromatic bride. Count Von Cosel Left Key West for Zephyr Hills, Fl. soon after losing his beloved to the hands of the injustice system, and an explosion was said to have occurred at Elena's orighinal resting place after his departure. When the elderely Count died in August of 1952, a life size wax statue of Elena sat in a corner of his residence as a silent honor guard over his remains. (Note: For more information on this remarkable man, I would recommend the book, "Undying Love." Although not pro-necrophile, it does contain some interesting details on his life.)
Jeff Dahmer
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960. A chronic alcoholic and army veteran, Jeff had a life long affinity for heavy metal/rock music. His first murder (that of 19 year old hitchhiker Steven Hicks) took place either in June or October of 1978 (Jeff is said to have given contradictory confessions in this regard).
Following his arrest during the night of July 22, 1991, police discovered various human remains including 4 heads in two separate freezers, additional heads/skulls in two closets and a file cabinet, torsos in 55 gallon drums, frozen internal organs and male genitalia. At least 3 of the skulls had been painted and one of the frozen heads was taken to Jeff's place of employment (a chocolate factory) on at least one occasion. The total victim count (upon conviction) was 17.
Although J.D. avoided grave robbery altogether (had he pursued this route, he would only have been increasing his chances of getting apprehended even sooner), he nonetheless wandered down a few delightful necroerotic paths of his own design. Consider not only his practice of keeping the body parts/bones of past victims around his apartment, but also his habit of photographing the corpse in various stages of dismemberment. Even more thrilling was his ritual of reassembling the body parts and skulls with parts of other cadavers in a kind of necrophilic jigsaw puzzle. Add to this his idea (which was unfortunately never realized) of building a kind of 'memory lane' display in his own apartment of skulls, preserved genitalia, and other body parts which was to serve as a grand meditation area for him, and we see that Jeff Dahmer had a mind that went far beyond the intelligence limits of the 'average criminal.' Yes readers, in spite of his inexcusable killings, Jeff Dahmer was indeed a man worthy of respect from all those who consider themselves necrophiliacs. Thanks for the beautifully ghoulish ideas and memories, Jeff! Your ways and deeds won't be forgotten!.
Henri Blot and Viktor Ardisson
(Note: Both of these men were unquestionably two of the finest necrophiles ever! As with Sergeant Bertrand, both also lived in 19th century France. Sadly, English language literature is somewhat barren when it comes to material on either one of these fine chaps. What follows has been gleaned from the books 'Deviant' (about the life of Ed Gein), 'Sadism and Masochism' as well as snippets of information obtained from various 'vampire' encyclopedias and crime books in the reference sections at local libraries.)
The Saint-Ouen graveyard in France during the year of 1886. This was the time and place where then-26 year old Henri Blot made history by exhuming and fornicating with the cadaver of a recently buried ballerina. After the act was finished, Blot lapsed into a deep sleep that was only interrupted when the cemetery's groundskeeper physically shook him awake. (Henri was still in the grave next to the erotically exposed remains of his dead sex partner) History records that H.B. exhumed and penetrated two corpses at this same burial ground, but no details could be found on the previous episode. Henri Blot was brought to trial for his so called 'crime', but is said to have shown no shame or fear in the court room. His statement to the necrophobic judge is no doubt the most famous necrophilic quote ever: "How would you have it ? Every man to his own tastes. Mine is for corpses!" Bravo Henri!
Material on the necrophilic hero known as Viktor Antoine Ardisson is slightly more abundant but by no means complete. Virtually all of the crime and psychiatric/psychology journals record the same scant facts of his life. Born in the year 1872, Viktor admitted to having a urine fetish during his younger years: He claimed to have enjoyed licking urine droplets from the toilet seats after his female classmates would use the facilities. He also insisted that episodic sexual encounters took place between he and his mother. During a stint in the French army that began in 1893, Viktor had an erotic affair with a female described as being "plump" and "well built." During his adult years, V.A. made extra money providing men in town with oral sex. His diet, which was limited by his lower working class income, consisted of garlic, cucumbers, radishes, grass, rats and cats.
V.A. began exhuming graves around age 19. Both prior to and after his military enlistment, he took on the job of grave digger in his tiny town. According to some estimates, V.A. may have had sex with over 100 corpses, making him quite possibly history's most 'busy' necrophile, at least when considering those cases which have come to light. According to his own confessions, Viktor regularly spoke to his cadaverous lovers, feeling genuine shock and hurt when they would not respond. At 28 years of age, police raided his home (after a tip from suspicious neighbors) and found the decaying cadaver of a three and a half year old girl whom Ardisson had stolen from a local graveyard sometime earlier. Until her corpse had putrefied to a dangerously contaminated state, Ardisson would perform oral sex on it with the hope that a physical resurrection would result. (One may safely assume that a physical erection did indeed take place!) V.A. also exhumed (and retained for many years) the head of a 13 year old girl. This girl's head served as his bed mate throughout his ownership of it, and was often referred to by Viktor as, "my little bride." Posthumous thanks for the lovely thoughts, Vik!
Karen Greenlee
With the help of a friend, your author attempted to contact Ms. Greenlee through the Westgate organization. By their own admission (and to Karen's credit), she had no current affiliation with their necrophony institute; however, they assured my friend that they could forward a letter to her. K.G. never got back to us, meaning: 1. The slime at Westgate opened the letter and, upon finding out this writer was involved, destroyed it (this was most likely what had happened), 2. Ms. Greenlee got the letter, felt it was a hoax and ignored it, or 3. Karen no longer considers herself a necrophiliac and does not wish to be involved in any type of scene along those lines (although this is highly unlikely.)
In any case, Karen Greenlee is perhaps the third most famous necrophile of the 20th century. (just behind Ed Gein and Jeff Dahmer), so failing to include her contributions in this essay would be a serious omission. (or, if you have a liking for literary puns, a GRAVE omission)
Just prior to Xmas of 1979, K.G. was apprehended for the theft of the corpse of 33 year old John Mercure. Eleven days of jail time and a $255.00 fine later, Karen was released a free woman. The only 'crimes' the prosecutor was able to charge her with were interfering with a legal burial and illegal use of a hearse; necrophilia was not against the law, in and of itself. Several months later, during a civil lawsuit filed by Mercure's mother, it was learned (through Karen's own testimony, as well as by the reading of a letter she had written prior to a failed suicide attempt.) that she had engaged in sexual contact with anywhere from twenty to forty male cadavers during her stint as an embalmer's apprentice at Memorial Lawn Mortuary in Sacramento, CA. During the time period surrounding the trial, Karen went through stages of suicidal thought, guilt, self hatred, doubt and revulsion over her deeds. Happily, by the mid 1980's she had become a self-aware, self-accepting necrophile. In an interview (published in the book, 'Apocalypse Culture') entitled, 'The Unrepentant Necrophile', she comes across as a confident and strong young woman. In the final paragraph of that piece, her statements, "I realized necrophilia made sense for me...I used to go from the therapist's office to the funeral home. It didn't work, folks!" serve as testimony that a good necrophile can't be kept down. Best of luck to you, Karen, wherever you are today!
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